Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 10:09:57 -0600 From: "Will Harris" To: Subject: Re: Guided By Voices news Message-ID: <000d01c42ba8$ebcf54b0$5f6f6344@reflector> Probably for the same reason that Roddy Frame decided to finally break away from the Aztec Camera name and just release solo albums. I suppose that, at some point, one wonders, "Why am I hiding behind this group name when nobody knows who *I* am?" Not that his fans don't know...but casual folks might recognize the name Guided By Voices but NOT Robert Pollard... I suspect that you're right, Will. Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 16:32:31 -0400 From: "Jaimie Vernon" To: Subject: Re: Guided By Voices news Message-ID: And in five years he will be back hawking his wares under the name Guided By Voices after his solo output gets zero recognition. Not only do I agree with you, Jaimie, I'll also bet that the hardcore GBV fans in the Postal Blowfish collective will start laying odds on how long it takes Pollard to revive the band name. Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 12:33:16 -0500 From: Randall J Paske To: Subject: Re: Guided By Voices news Message-ID: <> Yes and no. GBV's lineup has been relatively stable for the past five years, particularly on tour. I imagine that's what Pollard is referring to. There have been a few changes in that time, but overall I think the lineup has been less fluid than in the past. Actually, the rate of attrition in GBV has remained pretty constant. The only two members of Guided By Voices who were in the band when *Do the Collapse* was recorded five years ago are Pollard and Doug Gillard. But I don't suppose there will be huge changes in Pollard's work after he retires the Guided By Voices name, either. His basic songwriting style doesn't vary on his solo albums from the GBV template, but the songs themselves tend to reflect more of the brevity and lo-fi aesthetic for which the band was once famous than do the latter-day GBV albums. It'll be interesting to see for which aesthetic he opts once he jettisons the band name -- the lo-fi, short-song approach of the Fading Captain Series (his solo work), or the more mainstream, standard production and song length, approach of the last few GBV albums. Once he's working with only one brand name rather than two, he'll have a harder time switching between the two approaches. All the more reason to keep the GBV name alive, IMO. Gregory Sager