At 09:04 AM 4/26/2004 -0500, Greg Sager wrote: >Does this strike anybody else as odd? Guided By Voices has had half of the >population of Dayton in its ranks at one time or another over the band's >two-decade lifespan, and the only constant has been Pollard. Not to >denigrate the contributions of his many cohorts, particularly Tobin Sprout >in the mid-nineties and Doug Gillard in the band's current incarnation, but >GBV has essentially evolved into being Pollard's alter ego. It's just a >little hard to grasp why he feels the need to no longer be a "gang leader" >when the "gang" basically consists of him and anybody else who happens to be >in the room at the time. Yes and no. GBV's lineup has been relatively stable for the past five years, particularly on tour. I imagine that's what Pollard is referring to. There have been a few changes in that time, but overall I think the lineup has been less fluid than in the past. But I don't suppose there will be huge changes in Pollard's work after he retires the Guided By Voices name, either. Randy