Bob said.. Wow...the death of Kurt Cobain is important to the history of rock Not to focus on Cobain specifically (shudder) but I started thinking about this question in general that Bob raised…"how?" When someone important in rock dies to soon, it often increases their sales per the tragedy and often increases their own legacy per the untimely loss. But, who has died where had they NOT died the impact of their musical contribution may not have been as significant on the history of rock. I guess I'm just expanding Bob's question of "how"? I know this is very subjective but I can't think of many. Be it Holly, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Joplin, it seems that they were popular, well known and had large impact on music in differing degrees, already while living, in terms of their historical impact on music. The only one that comes to mind for me is Ian Curtis of Joy Division. Granted his influence wasn't nearly as felt as those I mentioned previously but I wonder to what degree his suicide propelled Joy Division popularity and bands that followed with that sound. I'm not knocking Joy Division by the way; I was a big fan back in the day. Anyway, this might only interest me but anyone have others that come to mind? Am I wrong on any of the artists mentioned? I guess I mainly curious per I wonder if an artists untimely death has less influence on their ultimate impact on their impact on music then we often imagine. Any thoughts? Steve D