As anyone not living under a rock knows, 2004 marks the 40th anniversary of Beatlemania overtaking the good ol' US of A.. The Pan Am jet that touched down at JFK Airport on that chilly Friday afternoon would usher in for the remainder of the 1960's, an era of guitar-driven pop music the likes of which will never be equaled. It's with that mindset in tow, that D.I.Y recording stalwarts Bill Retoff & Chris (SQUIRES OF THE SUBTERRAIN) Earl have joined forces with fellow popsters Jamie Lehman & Dan McKenzie to mix up equal parts British Invasion Backbeat with Jeff Barry Bubblegum; and they've wrapped up the whole sheebang with visuals taken directly from your Saturday morning TV screen, in an effort to create a musical valentine to all that was Fab & Groovy. THE PORCUPINES: EeenieMeenieMeineeMojo! is now available, for more details: