Mizz Beth wrote: >JT- >Totally forgot to email you and other folks back about Cliff's CD. I highly >recommend any and all who are interested go to Not Lame and pre-order cut/snip consider it done! (Bruce and co. get my money after all!) >Also, for those of you who attended >the Read Aloud Benefit this year, you know Cliff could not attend, but his alter >ego Clifton Terranova sent a little something along and that is included on >the EP too. Ah, yes, a now-fond memory. I got my probably too-well buzzed-for-public-consumption self up on stage that evening and introduced The Lounge Master's fine contribution before Marty the sound man cued it up. I don't remember exactly what I said, but folks assured me it was appropriate and not at all offensive! Auditeers, especially, should LOVE this bonus cut. Hey man, it was like HE WAS THERE! >Can't WAIT for the FOW/Dando show in Dewey! I got ticket #9! You can charge 'em at BooksandCoffee! This is easily the most anticipated show since Matthew Sweet last visited The Bottle and Cork! Evan Dando and I are gonna get SO HIGH! (hee hee hee hee) I'm breakin' out the "good bud" for him. >beth >who can't wait to get down the beach this weekend either!! It's gonna be "huge", methinks. Pray for good weather (it's gorgeous here today!). Jeff T. Dewey P.S. The Delaware Music Fest, also a Vikki Walls promotion / creation, came to Dewey again last weekend and it went VERY well. Best yet, I think. Lovely weather, lots of rock n roll, lots of money raised for a good cause.