I read that the show was cancelled after four episodes. The ratings were low early on so it was a matter of time. Scott S > I believe it *is* cancelled -- I've never seen the show myself, > but it's upsetting a lot of fans. There's an online petition to > keep the show on the WB, here: > http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/wonderfalls2 > > Like a lot of popular TV shows with "commitments" from the > networks but poor ratings, it's not looking too good...most > likely the WB will do with it what Fox did with "Keen Eddie," > that is license those shows off to cable (same with "Karen > Sisco," maybe even "Miss Match" etc.) I don't know for sure, > though. > > Bryan > > > > I don't think its cancelled. I think its on hiatus, and they got a 3-year > > commitment or something. > > > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). > Version: 6.0.648 / Virus Database: 415 - Release Date: 3/31/04