>From: Christopher >I never even had a chance to see more than half of one show, but I was >looking forward to getting into it. More fool I -- it's gone all right. >The powers-that-be at Fox apparently had no interest in trying to build an >audience, despite their apparent early efforts. They actually aired the >pilot twice in its first week, and less than a month later, they pulled the >plug. To make this music related, I will have to say that they did have an interesting selection of music, on the show. I don't think Fox made any large effort to push the show. They may have aired the pilot twice, but all in awful slots. They never bothered to put it temporarily in a good time slot, after a well watched show, which sometimes they do with shows when they are first aired. They also didn't put a lot of money into advertising it, like they've done with other shows. They basically thought it was going to fail, so they didn't do that. This type of show shouldn't have been on Fox in the first place. It was out of place. It's the only show that I've watched on Fox in years. One of the problems was that Jaye's family was well off. Not working class, like other shows. And so Jaye may be screwed up and has a working class job, but you don't feel any sympathy for her and her situation. She's working a crummy job which she hates, because she's decided to do so, even though she has the means to get more schooling and/or get a better job. When you have millions of people out of work, this isn't exactly going to score many points. The only reason to feel sorry for her, is that she has these animals pestering her. But anyone in real life who had this happen to them, would either go for help, or believe it's a religious thing, and change their life around. She does neither, except drink more. Nevertheless, I really liked the show. :) Mark