>...and the number one most important moment in Rock... >01. The 45 rpm record/LP/Walkman/iPod a good one - but I would have clarified it as: The introduction of the 45 rpm record (the essental R&R media) by RCA in 1949, who created it as a competitor to the 33 rpm record by Columbia. Seeberg introducing the first 45 jukebox in 1953, which had 100 selections while other companies felt that 14-30 was all customers needed. Radio station owner Todd Storz sitting in a bar in the early 50's and wondering why people played the same songs over and over on the Jukebox. The first transistor radio "The Regency TR-1" in october 1954 (with all-important earphone!) Les Paul inventing the first solidbody electric guitar in the late 40's - called the "log" - which lead to his own soildbody guitar by Gibson and Leo Fender inventing the Broadacaster (later Telecaster) in 1950 and the Stratocaster in 1955. "Madman" Earl Muntz inventing car audio with the 4-track tape cartridge player in 1964 - freeing consumers from AM radio. Billy G. Spradlin http://listen.to/jangleradio