Hello all, Well I am not a writer as evidenced by this review but I will attempt to prove the old "monkey with a typewriter" expression in case this inspires someone to check out one of these bands. I went to a Sekiden/Kiddo/Architecture in Helsinki show last night and truly enjoyed myself. While Cleveland,Ohio's Kiddo's crunchy boy/girl power pop was a treat http://www.kiddopop.com/home.html and Sekiden's Cars meets Bis sound with all the rockstar moves you would see performed by the Shazam entertained the crowd http://www.sekiden.com/ ,the standout act for me is definitely AiH from Melbourne,Australia. http://www.aih.rocks.it/ They are (in this tour anyway)an 8 piece multiinstrumental band who sort of remind me of King Radio's appearance at Chicago IPO (no typewriter though ). At times they sound like the Raincoats and other times the Go-betweens. They look like a vegan granola army (Chumbawumba)or something but come off sounding more like Belle and Sebastian or Camera Obscura on some songs. One song (Scissor Paper Rock) has to be inspired by the work of Burt Bacharach other songs start out sounding like remnants of the ska revival of days past but quickly veer into orchestral symphonies.Minor comparisons to Poi Dog Pondering may be appropriate but I would not limit it to that. Their between songs position changes resemble a chinese fire drill as each member scurries to the next instrument. Glockenspiels,recorders,tubas,clarinets,melodicas,flutes,trumpetscellos,violas,trombones,handbells,banana shakers and more augment the usual keyboards, bass,drum and guitar for an extremely enjoyable performance. In spite of all these instruments being used they still manage a beautiful minimalistic sound reminiscent of Young Marble Giants and that ilk. AiH are playing the Magic Stick in the Detroit area tonight. and then heading to the east coast as they will play Northampton on Monday with Death Cab for Cutie and NYC at Irving plaza next Fri with an album launch party(full cd on Bar None) in NYC at the Fez on Mon the 12th.. Check them out if any of this appeals to you. While the cd is a nice piece (they had advance copies available)the live show is not to be missed. On a different note ..I bought a cd by Low-Beam called Fashionable Driving Songs which reminds me of a blending of Galaxie 500,Yo La Tengo and the Chills (love that farfisa on the moon organ sound!). Anyone familiar with this disc? -r np--Kevin Kane-Neighborhood Watch