In a message dated 4/2/2004 12:18:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: <> I apologize to everyone who is bored by this thread, but clearly there are a lot of writers kicking around (more than I'd even suspected!) Bryan's email brings up a good question... it seems we have a ton of freelancers, in particular music freelancers, but how many people have worked on-staff for a publication, or do so now? I think I remember there's one person at least (doesn't someone write for the Harrisburg, PA paper?) It's pretty clear that music journalism isn't precisely a ticket to financial autonomy, but does anyone derive a complete income from some form of journalism? This veers off the music topic a bit, but it's a matter of personal curiosity since, again, this is where I scored my degree and where I've looked (unsuccessfully) for work for several years. I'm just more curious about stories from the other side. --Jason