In a message dated 4/1/04 2:01:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > How many people on this list derive an income from freelance writing? And > what type of writing? (e.g. music, journalism, newsprint, etc.) > While my output has slowed to just about nothing in the past couple of years, I've written for Goldmine magazine since 1986, I've written some liner notes (Rhino's POPTOPIA! POWER POP CLASSICS OF THE '90s, The Flashcubes' BRIGHT LIGHTS, The Finkers' WHOLE LOTTA FUN) and contributed to some music anthology books (two volumes of MUSICHOUND ROCK, BUBBLEGUM MUSIC IS THE NAKED TRUTH and the forthcoming LOST IN THE GROOVES). I used to write about comics in AMAZING HEROES, COMICS COLLECTOR and COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE. Most of these were paying gigs, though none have payed an awful lot. Oh, and I also was hired once by Joan Jett's management to write her press bio, and by BMG Europe to compile a Buddah bubblegum anthology; neither of these projects came through, but at least I got paid. CC! THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO Sunday nights from 9 to midnight Eastern USA time (with repeats all day Wednesday), on the web at Syracuse Community Radio