Well, it seems as if Jason and I have VERY similar taste in music, as I can easily say that Fountains of Wayne are in my top 3 bands. (I know this is very un-High Fidelity of me, but I am loathe to make lists like that, there is too much good stuff out there!) In any case, since he mentioned our pal John Faye, and I am pretty sure he dug Cliff's last CD, I will offer up the suggestion of Starbelly, Cliff's last band. I saw them at IPO LA in '98 and obviously it was a life changing event for me, but even without Mr. Hillis, Starbelly's last CD on Not Lame (everyday and then some?) is a winner in my book. Dennis Schocket and Greg Schroder are great musicians, and Cliff's replacement Brian Ewold fits right in to the space left by Cliff and makes it his own. Check out Lemon Fresh on Not Lame too! beth