Okay, here's a general music question: Obviously this list has given me--and many others--tons and tons of great music recommendations. It's given me so many that I've either forgotten or missed a bunch that I probably would've loved. Every springtime, I invariably get in the mood for more good power-pop, and this springtime is no different. So I'm going to ask a sort-of-specific question that will seem silly initially: What bands do you guys like that sound like Fountains of Wayne? That's a ridiculous question, obviously, so it makes me feel a little like a junkie looking for his fix. Let me explain--I think I've disliked more "sounds like" recommendations than any other type, because I think those bands are too often playing imitator and lack any personality of their own. It also reinforces the notion that power-pop fans are just looking for the same thing over and over. BUT I love FOW, I fail to get sick of their records, and I think they symbolize the type of power-pop I like best--up-tempo and well-written with clever lyrics and a clean mix that really "pops" when you put it on, plus their songs seem to possess a magic that makes them seem effortlessly propulsive, as if they're completely natural in their construction. They never seem to be forcing that big anthemic chorus. I also think that a tasteful use of synthesizers is about as addictive as heroin. I'm not looking for that, obviously. But in looking for "sounds like" FOW bands before, I've found: Candy Butchers, Bleu, Ice Cream Hands, ANY of the various John Faye projects, The Davenports, The Rosenbergs, Paste, the dB's, Owsley/Semantics, Splitsville, and probably some more that I can't think of right now. I wound up liking these bands almost as much, even though many of them sound somewhat drastically different from FOW. I can't explain why a "sounds like" recommendation was even attached to some of them (Candy Butchers? Ice Cream Hands? dB's?) but it did the trick anyway. In short, asking the "does it sound like Fountains of Wayne?" question has quite often given me a bunch of bands that sound nothing like Fountains of Wayne but who I wind up loving in their own right. Funny that. So if anyone thinks they might know something to offer in this realm, offer it up! I'm eager for some new stuff. --Jason