Anna, Say it ain't so! The Audities list needs you. I need you. You complete the list. You had me at "hello"... When you leave the list, the terrorists win. Please reconsider... I'm earnest, Borg. Nein! Marty Anna Borg wrote: >I’ve decided, after wading through all the FoW posts, >that it’s time for me to finally cut the cord here. >I’ve been on Audities since it’s very early weeks…what >was it? 7 years ago? I’ve met a lot of great people, >and I’ve also put a lot of people in my spam filter >box. Whatever…just like real life, I guess. > >When things are bad here, they seem to get very bad, >very quickly, with personal attacks and no time taken >out for empathy. That’s the nature of our digital >culture, I suppose. I, for one, don’t need my blood >pressure raised by people I don’t even actually know. > > >For the record, my initial post about the FoW video >was mostly disappointment, NOT in the images (other >than pre-teen girls…that will always make me sick to >my stomach.) I understand where the director was >coming from, and that they were trying to be funny. >BUT it’s a waste of talent of the band. A huge amount >of money spent on something so fluffy and derivative, >people will forget it. Why not take that quarter of a >million dollars or whatever and have an amazing >animated video that wins awards and gets noticed? >Every other video already has half naked chicks…why >not take the clever ideas put forth in these songs and >make art? These were my issues with the video. > >That two people on this list told myself and Jocelyn >to “lighten up” and “take a pill” because we expressed >our opinions is very offensive to me. Jocelyn’s >original reaction was only one line of email saying “i >wanted to thank you for the link. sometimes, however, >ignorance truly IS bliss.” What on earth was the >problem with that? It wasn’t until she was told to >“lighten up” that more info came out. > >Don’t we all constantly rally and rage about the lack >of good music in popular culture? Isn’t me expressing >disappointment in the handling of one of my favorite >bands a contribution to this discussion? > >So…anyway. That’s my explanation. > >Thanks, as always to those of you who have supported >my label. You’ll be hearing about the releases >through other members of the list, I’m sure. > >anna > > >===== >Anna Borg >AIM: cakeab >TallBoy Records >P.O. Box 27757 >Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 > > > > > >