--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Anna Borg wrote: > I've decided, after wading through all the FoW posts, > that it's time for me to finally cut the cord here. > I've been on Audities since it's very early weeks…what > was it? 7 years ago? I've met a lot of great people, > and I've also put a lot of people in my spam filter > box. Whatever…just like real life, I guess. > > When things are bad here, they seem to get very bad, > very quickly, with personal attacks and no time taken > out for empathy. That's the nature of our digital > culture, I suppose. I, for one, don't need my blood > pressure raised by people I don't even actually know. Hi Anna, I'm very sorry to hear this. We need your voice on this list. We need great woman pop fan's voices on this list, period. I hope you'll reconsider sometime. But, I can understand your decision. Steve D (hope this made it through your spam filter) :)