At 11:04 AM 3/31/2004 -0500, wrote: >Another step on the road to each major releasing just 5 CDs per year, >each of which will sell 87 kajillion copies, providing gainful employment >to a grand total of 25 artists and bringing even more homogeneity to the >airwaves and tastes of a generation . . . I dunno, reading this article, I mostly just see sound business moves that drastically cut overhead, which is the first step towards profitability. I mean, WHY did EMI have two Christian music labels, with two staffs and two artist rosters? Doesn't it make a lot more sense to just have one? What the major labels have to do -- and it looks like EMI and Warner Brothers are both getting this, which is encouraging -- is to reduce the bloat and stop the scattershot approach where they release 100 albums with the hopes that maybe one or two of them will hit. If the major labels can get to the point where a record can sell only 5000 or 10,000 copies and be profitable, I don't see how that's a bad thing. S