Even thier last couple albums, Marigold sky, Do it for love had some really nice songs. michael vg --- steven_durben wrote: > Hall and Oates: > > I'm with Bruce regarding "Along the Red Ledge". Especially the first > half. Really, very good songs. Some of their very best songs (IMHO). > > My other favorite is what came to be known as the "Silver Album". > > I know many fan's think "Abandoned Luncheonette" was their moment. > Good, but for me, but less consistent and less "fun" then the Silver > album. > > Also, let's not forget that back in the day they actually took some > chances with granted, very mixed results. The Rundgren > produced "War Babies" and then post the hits from "Bigger then Both > of Us" they put out the at times very odd "Beauty on a Back > Street" . Just, try just humming "Winged Bull". No don't. > > I also think a few of their later day hits were just fine but I kind > of lost interest by that time. > > I actually was a big fan of theirs back in the day. It was weird per > they had a few dips in their career. I remember seeing them in arena > shows but then post the "Bigger then Both of Us" era in a little > club. It seemed their glory days were over but they still put on a > very nice show. Then they became even bigger sellers in the 80's and > really packing the arenas again. > > Steve D. > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time. http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html