I know the feeling. I get laffed at when I watch my Thunderbirds episodes. My boys like them somewhat, but they are so into cartoons, SUPERMARIONATION just doesn't come close. So sad. Thanks for the info. Is Captain Scarlett on DVD also? Michael vg --- moteeko@telerama.com wrote: > Quoting Michael vg : > > > still on disc one of the Fireball XL5 box set... > >> Tell me more, tell me more......... > > > Long story short - every episode on a 5 disc box > set. Got mine from Barnes & Noble, probably > available from Amazon, Borders, etc. > > Kinda pricey...retails around $99. > > When I was a kid, none of my friends ever wanted > to watch it, so I missed a lot of the shows. Now, > whenever I pop in a disc, my teenage daughters go > "Ewww, Dad! Why are you watching puppets?" > Then they leave the room. > > Some things never change... > > Greg __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time. http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html