I guess these guys have been around a few years. Often compared to Radiohead because of the lead singer's voice their new album goes all over the sonic map and really rocks. The lead vocalist does have a similiar delivery with some falssetto and some screaming...sorta, but I wouldn't day they're ripping off radiohead, at all. Muse is Much heavier. Awesome record now available in the States, I believe. I got mine from amazon.uk on vinyl. Outstanding, thick production that is as classic as it is current. Very melodic and well arranged. You get the picture. Excellent, artistic, creative and highly recommended hard-pop. ALSO, in the same vien a friend turned me onto a band from Jersey? called "Ours". If Jeff Buckley RAWKED and still kept his sensitive side this would be "Ours". They have 2 cd's with the first one being the better, though I'm going on my friends opinion. I've not heard either disc completely. Really cool stuff, though. I guess they're indie...anyone know anything about 'em? thanks, later, joe