Following up on some of Bill's comments about the R&R Hall of Fame broadcast... >And Prince was a little cocky on the encore, y'think? I thought his flash was perfect for the solo (which sounded great) and Dhani Harrison seemed to be having a blast watching Prince play. Actually Dhani just seemed to be having a blast up there. And Jeff Lynne's voice sounded great - especially on the Roy Orbison parts. >And was Norah Jones practicing her phone sex voice in >her over-the-top intro to Prince That wasn't Norah Jones, it was Alicia Keys. And I thought that her bad attempt at a sexy delivery was annoying as hell. And did anyone else get the vibe that she seemed to have the "finally somebody good is inducted" attitude? When Keith said "It's only Rock and Roll" during his rambling intro to ZZ Top it sure sounded like it was Mick that yelled "But I like it". I always think I hate Bob Seger, but then when they cruise through the montage of his songs I forget how many of them I actually like. Although "Old Time Rock and Roll" is on my list of songs I never have to hear again. Sleep Cheap Dale