Ok...I've been reading the heated debate being generated by this video, and I think I'm in the Bob Segarini ("take a pill") camp...and I apply this suggestion equally to both the men and women on this list who have been bitterly attacking each other's political opinions over a piece of fluff entertainment. After all, I thought this was a music discussion list, not a political discussion list. And not to take the political aspects of this discussion lightly, let's PLEASE try to put it in all in perspective. It's a stupid MTV video - it's raison d'etre is to catch the (admittedly extremely limited) attention span of the typical 14-25 year old mostly male MTV watcher, so that MAYBE, just MAYBE they will pay attention long enough to think "wow...what a great song...maybe I'll go buy the CD or check out what else these guys have done". The point of making a video in the first place is not to uphold a certain moral standard; the point of making a video is to sell CDs. Nothing more and nothing less. I know MTV is full of tongue in cheek sexually explicit and unrealistic images of women (and sometimes men); I also don't make a habit of watching it, and if I did have kids (which I don't) I would make sure they were in on the joke before I'd let them just sit there and watch it. Personally, I'd rather have a great band make a silly video that catches people's attention, gets more people interested in great music, gets more money available for bands doing similarly great music,etc, than in having a great band make a really boring video that nobody watches just to uphold a higher moral standard and have crappy music (with attention grabbing videos) continue to pervade the airwaves. -shosh __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time. http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html