It sounds like a electric harpischord to my ears, but knowing that they recorded "Bali" on a low budget, it might be a digitally sampled one. I wish more bands used them for hook embellishment - I have been in love with that sound since I heard it first on The Beach Boys "When I Grow Up". Cool sound. Billy NP: The Singles - Better Than Before (yowsa!) At 02:43 PM 3/26/2004 -0800, you wrote: >after a 2-yr embargo, ive pulled out bali again. i figured i might be safe. i was wrong. i canNOT stop listening to this song. can someone please tell me what instrument is this harpiscordy thing? surely not a harpsicord? a synthesizer? what kind? and does anyone happen to know if this instrument is currently involved in a serious relationship? ; ) h > > >--------------------------------- >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time. > Billy G. Spradlin