At 12:28 PM 3/26/2004 -0800, Jocelyn Geboy wrote: >asserting that i am getting into a 'swivet' (i'd >hardly say that i am in a "state of extreme agitation" >(although, i might be working on it)) is erm, somehow >missing the point. for someone who is championing for >'civil rights advances,' you certainly are playing >into some stereotypes. i state my opinions on >something and here i am, working myself into a >'swivet.' I thought your post was goofy and over the top. I said so. If you genuinely think your gender has anything to do with that, then you must not have been paying attention any of the, oh, 4092 times over the last 8 or 9 years that I've said that Holders-Of-Penises on this list were acting goofy and over the top. More to the point, I know damn good and well that I've directed the word "swivet" to men as well as women, because it's a truly excellent word that I enjoy using. Would you prefer something more along the lines of "panties in a bunch" or "knickers in a twist"? THAT would be sexist of me. "Swivet," on the other hand, is an entirely gender-neutral word. S