> and sorry that i'm so out of it, but i entirely missed > the 'rio' deal, and i was AROUND when that video was > around. i'm thinking the young humans watching the > mtv these days (when there IS the M on) haven't got a > CLUE to the slight homage alluded to there. Yeah, but who cares whether they do or not? It's not the band's job to educate everyone about the history of MTV. It's just an in-joke for people in the know. And I must be one of them, because I laughed out loud at Chris Collingwood's Simon Le Bon attire. I talked with Collingwood a few months ago, after the band had shot the video, and he admitted outright, "It's a little over the top. There's a yacht, and a helicopter shot." Then he laughed and said, "Yeah, it's DEFINITELY a little over the top." >i DO truly believe that >it's this kind of video and this kind of ongoing crap >tv on MTV and such that really contributes to a really >shitty sexual atmosphere and the continuing >perpetuation of ideals to women and men (however, esp. >YOUNG women and men) that you have to be hot and thin >and rich and these are the only things that matter. >that women are only objects for sexual >gratification/object worship (e.g. all women have >pillow fights in babydoll pajamas). Oh, good grief. I grew up as part of a generation where Charlie's Angels, Daisy Duke, and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders were everywhere you looked, and I didn't go around thinking that I was going to end up with a woman who looked anything like that, or that I was going to be "settling" if I went with a woman who didn't compare to those women. I mean, you've got to have an ego sticking pretty far up in the clouds somewhere to actually believe that what you're seeing on TV, movies, and even magazines is ever going to be thrown into your lap in the real world.