> That video was pretty much garbage... > > ~~~i wanted to thank you for the link. sometimes, > > however, ignorance truly IS bliss. To quote another great comedy, "Lighten up, Francis!" :) >The only way that I can even bear to watch a > music video is if the act doesn't take itself seriously... Bingo! >>What a way to ruin a great song, IMHO. Only if you let it - I stick with the song on its own terms. Don't most videos suck anyway? If not for the occasionally funny/clever ones (FOW, Foo Fighters, Weezer) or dramatic (Johnny Cash's "Hurt", for one) what's the point? Vapid rockers with vapid models doing vapid things to vapid music. The days of artistic groundbreaking (Peter Gabriel) seem to be long gone. Speaking of video, my Iggy Pop Live DVD should arrive today. Now THAT is gonna be worth watching. And for you Weezer fans, their Video Capture Device DVD is out now at an amazingly low price. more coffee now, b (who has had two Borack list sightings in two days - that's a good thing in my book)