In a message dated 3/25/04 5:08:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > CC was also correct with his comment about the prefab origins being > unforgivable, which is a shame as I could provide at least 50 reasons why they > belong just as much as an act like ZZ Top... > I think you understand this already, but I want to make my position clear to anyone else reading: I most certainly think that The Monkees should be inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. No question in my mind. However, I also think that they will never get in, precisely because the group's artificial origins have prejudiced too many tastemakers against them. Doesn't matter that The Monkees transcended their origins, were enormously influential and left behind a stack o' great records; the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame will never take them seriously. CC! THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO Sunday nights from 9 to midnight Eastern USA time (with repeats all day Wednesday), on the web at Syracuse Community Radio