The popfest schedule is up online now, and upon initial view and coordinating of how to be in two places at once, it looks like I won't have much to worry about this year, as 'my bands' have been equally split between the two days. Ok, so none of them are REALLY *My Bands* but I take an endearing 'mothering' instinct and feel it is my duty to be in attendance at numerous of my friends' bands shows. You can see the possible dilemma forming in my head, can't you? (imagine if I were at SXSW, my head would explode!!) for those attending, you can create your own conflicts here: My initial observation of bands I'm less familiar with and actually checked out some MP3s causes me to believe that certain bands are a little less pop and more about the rock, which is fine, but I just don't understand why they were selected. Then again, I'm probably just bitter that Carroway wasn't selected. And in my becoming ever more biased and a little less diplomatic opinion, I feel they would have been an excellent choice, more than ever now as the new songs just keep getting better and better.... The Westerbergian infectiousness of "One More Lie" will suck in any 'Mats/Westerberg fan and keep them for good. I last heard it less then 12 hours ago, and was singing it in my sleep. Now if I could just find a way to win the lottery or something and get the four of them back in the studio..... I'll figure something out. maybe see you at the Popfest next month? Lauree :) ===== Carroway: listen to them, love them! __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.