While I was nowhere near Boston this weekend...I can definitely discuss the 'should I or shouldn't I say hello?!' debate in regards to musicians/bands, etc. Speaking the terribly shy soul I am, I have found it difficult over the years to get over that nervous feeling of talking to people I don't really know, esp. musicians. In that time though, I've found that just simply saying hello, great set, or I dig the cd does go a long way and they really appreciate it. IN fact, since I find myself going to shows alone a lot in the past 6 years or so, it turns out that the band ends up being the only people I talk to and then they end up becoming great friends. I am truly a groupie, y'know. Granted there are some cases where you either catch someone on an off night and they blow you off, or they really just aren't nice. I've been forntunate to avoid that for the most part, or I ended up finding someone else in the band who redeemed the night by being decent, if not downright pretty damn nice to me. long story longer, the majority of people playing the music really do appreciate you saying hello and I love your music/cd/song, etc. rock on, lauree > From: DanAbnrml9@aol.com > To: audities@smoe.org > In retrospect I should've said hi to several > people--Brett Rosenberg, Cliff > Hillis, etc., but I always fumble for what to say at > such things. "Hi, I love > your records?" I know very little about the > technical side of > production/performance and am able to opine much > more eloquently in writing than in speech, so > I tend to worry about what to say to the point where > I generally just don't. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam http://mail.yahoo.com