Anyone see Courtney Love on Letterman last night? I've seen her interviewed before but she even out did herself from anything I've ever seen. It was kind of painful to even watch. Self absorbed beyond belief, abrasive, tangential, and nonsensical. Telling stories that loosely claimed Meryl Streep thought she'd be good for a certain acting part. Gloatingly telling a lame story to "dis" Nicole Kidman. Fawning over Dave despite his clear uncomfortable disinterest in her. She even flashed Dave twice (ala her buddy Drew Berry) which seemed to only make him wince per how embarrassing it came off. Everything about her seemed narcissistic and yet somehow very desperate. It was really hard to watch AND still hard not to watch. I wonder if now that her Hollywood career seems to be bombing, she's once again going for "punk-brat rocker babe" with gusto. She is someone I'm guessing will have a VERY hard time when her career is over and I'm guessing that time may be nearer then even she dares to fear. Steve D NP: Rod Stewart "you wear it well"