Jac Holzman emailed me just before Christmas about a Wacker's 2 or 3 CD compilation...I haven't heard back from him since. Hope Handmade survives the latest takeover by someone who doesn't know anything about music or the music business. Just when, exactly, did the Hall Monitors, Audio/Visual Department geeks, Bullies, and Bean Counters take over the world? bob ----- Original Message ----- From: "bryan" > > > I think *all* Rhino Handmade projects might currently > > > be in limbo at the moment while the Warner Music Group > > > figures out what they're doing -- > > > Hasn't this happened before...? I seem to recall a hiatus > on releases a year or two ago... > > Yeah, I seem to recall that too... > > Handmade won't be going away, I don't think, but the > organization within Warner Music Group's A&R dept. > means that it will be in limbo for a bit... > > Bryan