yes it is sad. their relocation to alexandria hurt them more than it helped, IMHO. spotty hours too. combined with DCCD closing in DC, there's not a whole lot happening in the DC area for indie stores. my favorite of late is CD Cellar in Falls Church, VA. BUT I think I dropped a message on here the other night about a brand new DC store: Revolution Records it's very hip and not only carries the underground indie stuff, but carries it along side the hip hop, and relatively mainstream stuff. hey they have to keep their business above water, and even mainstream music fans like to support indie stores. I just bought the Camera Obscura cd the other day. I'm wanting to check out something that I can listen to in the neato listening rooms, equipped so that you and friends can all listen together! check out the website: lauree __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster