Rational Youth - Heredity (Capitol - ST-12399) Digney Fignus - The Girl With The Curious Hand (1985)(CBS/Epic - unknown catalog #) Timothy Clover - A Harvard Square Affair (1967)(Tower - ST5114) The Gordian Knot - Tones [also known as simply "The Gordian Knot" since the cover didn't list the album title, only the LP label did] (Verve - V6-5062) The Sugar Shoppe - The Sugar Shoppe (1967/1968)(Capitol Canada - 2959) [they were big enough to appear on the Ed Sullivan Show on July 6, 1969][this band includes Emmy Award nominee Victor Garber] The Shoppe - Dusting Off Mythology (1971) (ONTARIO ED - no catalog #) (The Shoppe were The Sugar Shoppe under a slightly different name) ---- Dave Bradley web-accessed mail (most likely checking this from work)