I just passed on a used copy of Big Hello's "Apples Oranges "Cd which I believe is their first two together.I listened to a couple cuts and wasm't impressed with her voice.Didn't really know anything about them-was never an Elvis Bros. fan.The guitars sounded cool.Am I missing somewthing great?I'm going by my first impression on the store head phones. >From: Michael Coxe >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: audities@smoe.org >Subject: Re: IPO Chicago: The Handcuffs >Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 11:23:37 -0800 > > >Friday, April 23: Beat Kitchen > >9:30 The Handcuffs > >So this is Brad & Chloe's new band? >Is Big Hello officially kaput? >Have they played out yet or is this the 1st time? >And how many bands has Brad Elvis been in? ;> > >Their website has some >sound samples which I'm playing now. > > - michael > > > _________________________________________________________________ Learn how to help protect your privacy and prevent fraud online at Tech Hacks & Scams. http://special.msn.com/msnbc/techsafety.armx