> Here's my solution to crappy radio in your car, especially since I don't > have a decent/powerful college station...get a car CD player that's mp3 > compatible, then fill a CD-R with mp3s at 128kps of whatever you like. > You're talking about 12 hours of music on a CD-R; just throw the disc player > into shuffle mode, and voila - instant radio station, and with a lot bigger > playlist than any Clear Channel executive would know how to handle. Yeah, > you don't get the gratification of hearing something new right away, but at > least you don't have to listen to dreck either. True, but I pretty much do that, anyway, out of necessity. I just miss the days when I could actually turn on a radio and hear something new without having the immediate suspicion that some guy in a suit somewhere was the one who added it to the playlist because it fit the station's demographics...