>>I'm sure we've all had this experience ... some album you just loved when it came out, and you listened to it until you got tired of it, and then it went on the shelf. And then every time you saw it sitting there you thought "Naaaahh ..." Until one day Well, it's not pop per se, but I've been rifling through my Iggy Pop/Stooges stuff lately. Picked out the Stooges s/t and it just went from there. >>Sometimes I think I ought to have a moratorium on buying anything new, and force myself to spend a month or two just listening to the forgotten gems I already own. Bingo! I do this occasionally (it's called "Sunday") Seriously, If anyone knows how to stop time for a week or so, please clue me. But one of the benefits in knocking over a couple of boxes of CDs and being forced to put them back in order is that "whoa...oh, YEAH!" when you pick up a cd like Robert describes. b, who thought he was going to read something about Ms. Springfield...