<> the funny thing about "bee thousand" and "alien lanes" (1995) which are indeed gbv's two masterpieces, is that they (along with "vampire on titus," which came in 1993), are much LOWER fidelity than the several gbv albums that came before. they cleaned up by lowering their budget. they started out as a studio band, and made several interesting, but somewhat sterile, cheap-but-proper studio albums before realizing they'd be much better off, and much happier, recording at home (using both 4- and 8-track machines, with tobin sprout generally but not always at the controls). "vampire on titus," "b000" and "alien lanes" are the great gbv home-recording trilogy, and the latter two albums are the ones on which they entirely made their reputation. they are to gbv what "workingman's dead" and "american beauty" were to the grateful dead. for example. it's a toss-up between the two, but the slightly rockier "alien lanes," which is essentially an album of arena-rock miniatures, including the great "motor away" and "my valuable hunting knife," might be the best starting point. the first song on "b000" is the fabulous "hardcore ufos," which has an extremely noticeable and extremely amusing tape dropout on the second chorus. viva la cassette! <