> Eh. "Belleville Rendezvous" was in fact the best movie song of the year, > no matter what won. Actually getting to see the song performed, complete > with bicycle and vacuum cleaner, was enough. Eh. No it wasn't. (I see your Judge Stewart and raise you a Judge Judy). But it was great to see it performed in all its glory, and the singer was sultry incarnate. >Was anyone else reeeeeeeally disappointed that "A Kiss At The End Of The > Rainbow" didn't win for Best Song? I wasn't expecting it to win, but I was thrilled to see them perform it in character, and I was _hoping_ it would win. But the whole night was so anti-climactic that my favorite moment happened during the break - the spot-on Tiger Woods CADDYSHACK commercial. That was Super Bowl quality stuff, and really done with care. b, in fact