yeh, the song and performance were delightful. who knew the girl from that robby benson basketball movie was so cool? annie lennox has a great voice, but that song sounded like a john tesh outtake. scarlet tide kinda bowled me over. i thought hurdy gurdy was just something made up by donovan on an acid trip. will have to look that up on the internet, and i thank you. no one else i asked knew what it was, either. wrote: Was anyone else reeeeeeeally disappointed that "A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow" didn't win for Best Song? I don't have any real complaints about Annie Lennox taking home the Oscar, but, as a friend of mine was commenting last night, of the nominees, only "A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow" actually had something to do with the film itself, as an integral plot point, the whole "will they kiss or won't they" concern. Seems like that should count for something... --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Get better spam protection with Yahoo! Mail