I found a little but not much talk about the Autumn Defense in the archives just now, but I had the extreme good fortune to see them play a fantastic show in Kansas City last night. So I want to spread the word. If you're a fan of the Pernice Brothers, the Zombies, the Left Banke, Big Star, Wilco, the Hang-Ups -- or any mellow, melancholy, classic-sounding pop -- then this band is for you. The principals in the Autumn Defense are John Stirratt (of Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, the Hilltops) and Pat Sansone (who's worked with Joseph Arthur, Jenifer Jackson, and Josh Rouse). They've assembled a crack band (including more Joseph Arthur and Wilco alumni) and are on tour for the rest of the month. The KC show was not well-publicized and they drew a small but very attentive and enthusiastic crowd. In many ways that made it the perfect show! The set drew mostly from the second Autumn Defense album, CIRCLES, but it also included a few from the first, a couple of covers (including a perfect "Pretty Ballerina"!), and one Wilco song. It was all *great*. I wasn't sure how they were going to manage the varied instrumentation of the albums onstage, but if anything they brought new life to songs that are even more gentle on record. The pedal steel was a particularly nice touch. It was *easily* the best show I've seen in months--one for the ages, even. I can't believe what a great time I had last night. I can't even convey it. If you haven't heard the records, I urge you to check out them out. And BY ALL MEANS see them if they come to your town. Chances to see them will not be so frequent, given all of the other projects the members have their hands in. Web site: http://www.theautumndefense.com . Tour dates: Sat 03/06/04 Boulder, CO Tue 03/09/04 Seattle, WA Wed 03/10/04 Portland, OR Sat 03/13/04 San Francisco, CA Sun 03/14/04 Los Angeles, CA Mon 03/15/04 Tucson, AZ Thu 03/18/04 Austin, TX Sat 03/20/04 Oxford, MS Sun 03/21/04 Atlanta, GA Mon 03/22/04 Nashville, TN Randy looking forward to RockFour, Guided By Voices, and the last Ultimate Fakebook show--all in the next four days