Eh. "Belleville Rendezvous" was in fact the best movie song of the year, no matter what won. Actually getting to see the song performed, complete with bicycle and vacuum cleaner, was enough. Although seeing Tim Eriksen of Cordelia's Dad leading the shape-note singers on "The Scarlet Tide" was pretty cool too. S At 12:39 PM 3/1/2004 -0500, wrote: >Was anyone else reeeeeeeally disappointed that "A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow" didn't win for Best Song? I don't have any real complaints about Annie Lennox taking home the Oscar, but, as a friend of mine was commenting last night, of the nominees, only "A Kiss At The End Of The Rainbow" actually had something to do with the film itself, as an integral plot point, the whole "will they kiss or won't they" concern. Seems like that should count for something... >