At 10:31 PM 2/23/2004 EST, wrote: >In a message dated 2/23/04 9:42:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > >> Think I can get anything for the crap magazine they replaced it with to >> fulfill subscriptions after they folded? >> > >Ah, the "wonderful" RECORD magazine! Calling it "crap" is unfair to crap. Believe it or not, the very first incarnation of Record -- a quarter-fold magazine on newsprint -- was actually pretty good. It was started by Rolling Stone's parent company, Straight Arrow, as tacit acknowledgment that Rolling Stone wasn't really a music magazine anymore, and more to the point had no idea how to cover new artists. So for the first few months, Record was a really smart, well-written, informative magazine that turned me on to a lot of good stuff. Unfortunately, I think it didn't even last a year in that format and the new retooled glossy version was just awful. S