At 11:36 AM 2/28/2004 -0800, you wrote: > On >Ronco's "Hit Explosion" is one of my Holy Grail >searches - "The Princess And The Punk" by Barry Mann. >I've tried to fix it in Cool Edit and other editing >software...but I really need a better copy. Everytime >a Barry Mann compilation comes out - this song never >makes the cut. I remember posting on this list >sometime around 1997 if anyone knew where I could find >a copy. The search continues... I used to have that 45 - It came out on Arista back in the mid 70's. One of my favorite places is for finding rare singles. Bingo! Found a copy of your 45 - but its in New Zealand with 5 dollar postage. >Out here in Hawaii we got a lot of Canadian K-Tels in >Woolworths, Ben Franklin and Sears. Did anyone else >have that happen in your local record stores back >then? I bought a few Canadian K-Tels in Cutout bins at Wal-Mart, TG&Y and K-Mart back in the late 70's and early 80's. I miss those days going in and digging through the bargan racks. My favorite K-Tel Canada release was one called "Here Comes Summer" which was a hodgepodge of summer oldies and remakes (Jamies, some anonymous instrumental group called The Surfers and 70's Jan & Dean) and some Canadian artists like Chilliwack (California Girl) and Chris Ruhkne (Summer Girl). It was the second Chilliwack song I heard - "Arms Of Mary" got some Top 40 airplay here in NE Oklahoma before that. Picked up a lot of good imports back then. My University bookstore also had a bargan bin with LP imports from Singapore and Mexico. When you can get Early Kinks and Searchers albums and compilations, Talking Heads, Devo and the Ramones "It's Alive" for 4-2.99 each you cant really bitch about the crappy vinyl. I bought my first Beatles bootleg at Wal-Mart - a copy of "Introducing the Beatles" which had a big "Stereophonic" banner but played mono. AWESOME! The best K-Tel site I have seen so far. Billy G. Spradlin