i remember when i worked at big labels - always being disappointed when i got the finished album after hearing the demos for some reason everything that's cool about a band & the reason they got signed - suddenly all goes away when they come out the other end... there is an incredible amount of people who are making a lot of money working the very niche market of remixing & re-recording and enhancing people's albums prior to release... often just to please the A&R guy (so he can feel like he's part of the band or something).... crazy..... nowadays, running my little label, i find myself in a funny situation at times where i have to beg artists to leave their own music alone (i call it the "oh no! my record's actually coming out... wait! stop! I have to tweak a few things" pre-release freakout - usually followed by the "i want to take out the song that's obviously the best song and could actually get me airplay but I'm kind of tired of it cause i got this other song i like that's not as good but the guy sweeping the studio liked" blues - there's always something hahahaaa....) ralph alfonso Bongo Beat Records brought to you by my ebay garage sale (this week: we got vinyl!) http://cgi6.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=beatnik_guy Dig that crazy Bongo Beat! Visit my web site Http://www.bongobeat.com