In addition to many of those K-Tel albums filling up my record shelves are those Ronco releases as well! I can never get rid of them - no matter how scratched up or cue burned they become. There are often cuts on these puppies that I can't find anywhere on CD. On Ronco's "Hit Explosion" is one of my Holy Grail searches - "The Princess And The Punk" by Barry Mann. I've tried to fix it in Cool Edit and other editing software...but I really need a better copy. Everytime a Barry Mann compilation comes out - this song never makes the cut. I remember posting on this list sometime around 1997 if anyone knew where I could find a copy. The search continues... Out here in Hawaii we got a lot of Canadian K-Tels in Woolworths, Ben Franklin and Sears. Did anyone else have that happen in your local record stores back then? I was cracking up a few months ago because I came across an old radio aircheck that had K-Tel commercials. I had forgotten that in addition to the television ads that there were highly produced radio ads as well. Of course, all filled up with three second snippets of what was on the record. No kidding about the short versions of hit singles! To this day, whenever I have to edit a song for airplay, I always mutter "another K-Tel edit". No one on the staff can relate. Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO / KONI / KPMW now playing: "Jennifer Smiles" - Chewy Marble __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Get better spam protection with Yahoo! Mail.