At Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 09:42:56 Tiny wrote: >Sadly the event was "real" thus seemingly making it "OK" to televise, still > point is made. > >As a pop culture in the making or a freaky "news addicted country" what is >it we are truly offended by? Janet's boob, Howard Stern or Columbine >footage. I don't get it. >It seems the measuring stick for"offense" is broken somehow. Janet & Stern offend the moral climate of Conservatives in America MORE than the bloodbath of Columbine because their offense is titular SEXUALITY. Suicide bombers in Iraq? Terrorists levelling office towers? Absolutely fine...because it's "news" and sometimes the world is filled with evil-doers. Janet's tit? Why that's immoral because it promotes sex, and promiscuity and moral decay and my, God, Martha someone's fornicatin' on my TV and now some of them want to go to San Fransisco and get married to each other. The country's goin' to hell in a handbasket, Martha. HELLLLL, I tell you. To think, if they had created a reality TV show based on the Misadventures of Bill Clinton we'd be watching XXX porn on broadcast television right now rather than having naughty bits digitized and cut out of innocuous, average, boring "Must See" TV. What a difference a dolt makes. Jaimie Vernon _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.