At 02:58 PM 2/25/2004 -0500, Jaimie Vernon wrote: >At Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 07:33:07 Kelly wrote: > >> > > >T-Talk Talk-Life Is What You Make It >> >>I'll never hear that song without feeling a certain >>anything-is-possible frisson of absolute joy. > >The percussive use of the piano is what drives the song (pre-dates the >Hornby style by a few years I believe)...but when that plaintive guitar line >kicks in it levels me everytime. Has any band undergone a more complete reversal of critical opinion than Talk Talk? I remember that when their first record came out -- the EP with the song "Talk Talk" on it -- it was basically utterly reviled, at best dismissed as lightweight teenybopper fluff. And then the opinion of IT'S MY LIFE was basically, "Well, as mid-period Roxy Music ripoffs go, it's not entirely awful..." but by the time their last record came out, it was all "Mark Hollis is a pop genius of the first magnitude!," an opinion that's held sway ever since. Actually, other than "Life's What You Make it," which has always struck me as just okay, I've never heard a note of any Talk Talk records past IT'S MY LIFE. S