> > --- Jaimie Vernon > wrote: > > Bambi Slam - "I Think About Chu" what in the...! just when i think i'm done drudging up half-remembered music from my yout' for the day, then i go and read "bambi slam," about which band I was pretty sure i was the only person on earth who knew anything. I have two vinyl BS works - one i recall having "the bamp bamp song" (or some such) and "hit me with your hairbrush." I believe the former song must have had a herky jerky handheld recorder type video on NightFlight, which is generally where i found out about those sorts of things... (sham 69, anyone?) so what was the deal? Were they huge in some part of the world that was not Elmhurst, IL, where anyone I wanted to listen to the Bambi Slam thought I was off my rocker? Were all their records designed to look like presents tied with bows? sometimes i take a look at you i don't even care... that's quite enought outta me for one day, but damn, wonders never ceasing, --kelly ===== arma non servant modum __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard - Read only the mail you want. http://antispam.yahoo.com/tools