I haven't really been following this debate; but the threat from Canada is NOT almost non-existent. The threat from native Canadians may be almost non-existent. But you do not have to be a native Canadian to cross into the States from Canada; it is a popular strategy for would-be terrorists entering the country. Having said that, I'm sure the border paranoia is overdone. But there is a legitimate underlying reason for it. I'd wager that some of the 9/11 hi-jackers made their way into the States through Canada. ----- Original Message ----- From: > I may be wrong here, but I assumed Andrew was referring to the threat from > Canada being "almost non-existent", rather than the general threat of > terrorism. I've travelled to both Canada and the USA before 9/11 (and to > the USA after 9/11) and I generally found the American immigration staff > to be more brusque, to ask more irrelevant questions and to be generally > less tolerant than their Canadian counterparts.