> It's really strange to hear about this to us Danes Us and Canada is almost the same country. Unfortunately, the US givernment has decided that the best way to clamp down on an almost non-existent terrorist threat isn't, for example, to stop known associates of terrorist groups from coming into the country, alter its foreign policy to make itself less of a target, and impose sanctions against those countries connected with the September 2001 attacks, but rather to harass innocent travellers from friendly countries. US Customs/Immigration/'Homeland Security' people are getting more and more ludicrous. The first time I travelled to the US, to do some recording, was just in the aftermath of the attacks (mid-late October 2001). I had no problem entering the country, and when leaving I was taken to one side because of how I look (I have a very long beard, and for a 'white' man from England a fairly dark complexion, so I looked enough like the stereotype of 'evil Moslem terrorist' that it was understandable at the time), but allowed on the plane after roughly two minutes of questioning (I showed the customs people my DAT masters - they seemed to understand that people with beards could fall into the categories of 'terrorist' or 'musician' and once they'd put me in the right pigeonhole I was no danger). That was understandable - I look more suspect than many travellers, and as such at a time when there appeared to be a serious threat, I didn't mind a small amount of inconvenience. If anything I was reassured - it showed they were doing their job. The last time I came over however, on a personal trip to visit friends last September, I was kept for more than 2 hours in custome, missing a connecting flight and having as a result to sleep that night on a chair in the airport, and being asked all sorts of absolutely ludicrous questions such as 'this couple you're visiting, they're not a same sex couple are they?' (I would have thought their names, Damon and Leighann, would have been a clue to that, but apparently not). It's getting even worse as well - as of November, tourists to the US from the UK are going to have to travel to London or Glasgow, to the US Embassy, pay £75 to apply for a visa to visit, and submit to an interview... and that's just the experience of *tourists*. I can't begin to imagine what it's like for people in Jaimie's position, who are travelling for business purposes. This may seem off-topic for this list, but the current US isolationism means that the USians on this list simply will not get a chance to see a large number of artists from other countries, because the time and inconvenience to get into the country is making it not worth it. Me, I'm just glad this is only a one-way problem, so I can look forward to seeing people from all over the world at the next IPO Liverpool (assuming that's going ahead again this year, I'm going to try to make a lot more of the shows). BTW apologies for the free verse formatting - Lycos UK is behaving very oddly. I'm looking into changing email providers ASAP. -- Lycos recommends Cheapflights for all your travel needs. Go to http://www.cheapflights.co.uk/?source=lycosgen