it is even worse for UK and European musicians who want to come in. They have to make a consulate appointment months in advance and it is several thousand dollars per musician - unless you've got a substantial tour booked almost a year in advance, forget it... that's why there's lots of promo meet and greet radio station visits.. a lot of bands take a gamble, especially on under the radar one-off gigs (rent your gear), but by and large, you need specialised agencies (ie: Traffic Control) to help you through the paperwork. For a serious musician, it is not worth the gamble. This pretty much sidewinded some kimberley rew IPO plans i had. The Musician's Union on both sides of the border was supposedly trying to rectify this, especially as it was no real hassle for US musicians to travel into Canada (at the most, I think you put up a deposit on your gear if your paperwork is dodgy), but right now it is a mess with the Canadian AFM lobbying successfully to make it harder for US musicians to come in to Canada in retaliation for the US grinding Canadian musicians. Union view: read here: Promoter's nasty overview here: tml ayiee caramba!! why can't we just all get along, people...... Ralph Hey, my ebay garage sale continues!! Lots of weird and wonderful stuff: Dig that crazy Bongo Beat! Visit my web site Http://